Stream and download the best new trending music (full tracks offline data-free) and listen to your local MP3s! Browse music from the best artists in top categories like Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, EDM, Afropop, and Reggae on the Audiomack music app. Download songs and listen offline, without using your data, or listen to your personal MP3 collection! Audiomack provides download access and unlimited streaming to the newest and hottest tracks, right at your fingertips. Our music download feature allows you to play your favorite songs offline, and our “Trending” section shows you the best albums and songs that are hot right now. Plus, you can listen to all local MP3s, WAV, M4A, AAC, and other local files right from the app. KEY FEATURES • Stream unlimited full music tracks and mixtapes that are new or trending. Be the first of your friends to be up on what’s next. • Download full songs and albums for offline, data-free listening, no wifi. • You can listen while using other apps, and play as many Hip-Hop, Afrobeat, Electronic, Reggae & dancehall full tracks as you want. • Favorite tracks, albums, and playlists and easily search, browse, and shuffle your favorites collection on demand. • Listen to local music like MP3s, AAC, M4A, WAV, and other files from the local file player. • Browse expertly curated playlists by mood, genre, and much more. •